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Q: What is a business process review (BPR)?

A: business process reviews, abbreviated as “BPRs“, are a comprehensive analysis where everything in a business is examined, from hardware, software, and what tasks employees do. This often involves finding pain points within the organization, from an organizational perspective and also from the viewpoint of individual employees. A full report of the findings with recommendations for changes is the final result.

Q: What is process re-engineering?

A: Process re-engineering is changing day-to-day tasks that staff do to improve effectiveness. Efficiency does not always make something more effective. Process re-engineering takes the results and decisions from a business process review and implements those changes, including implementing new systems, software, and training/re-training staff.

Where something can be changed, we will look at alternatives and find the most cost-effective solution and implement it in stages, to minimize resistance to change and maximize adoption.